This film tells the story of a documentary filmmaker who has had success but struggles to finish his new documentary. He meets a young and energetic couple who live life colourfully, and he gets infected by their unending enthusiasm."While We're Young" starts off very strong, with Josh and Cornelia having a sort of midlife crisis. Passion dwindles from their lives, and they get locked into their comfort zone. The couple is charming and infectiously happy. I think many people could identify with Josh and Cornelia. I certainly could. I was hoping the story of unfold along these lines, but as things go wrong, it seems almost wrong for Josh and Cornelia to rediscover themselves. I think it's a misfired message, and I identify with the story less towards the end. Nonetheless, it's a good film.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
5/10 might not seem like a good rating, but it's a strong 5. This movie is definitely worth seeing, but only if you're okay with mild disappointments and outdated "we can't be happy without having kids" Disney-like thinking.Movie does indeed have a good start - Ben Stiller & Naomi Watts play their roles well and make lots of good points of how we can sometimes be unhappy with our past decisions and our lives. Movie also captures well how people change when they grow up; one ends up having kids, another focuses on his/her career or other things.Sadly "While We're Young" doesn't grasp all that there could've been. The ending leaves you kinda sad/disappointed/with mixed feelings. To put it plainly; it doesn't deliver.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Josh (Ben Stiller) and Cornelia Schrebnick (Naomi Watts) are a childless married couple in their 40s. He's a documentarian struggling to complete his movie for the last 10 years. She's unsatisfied working for her famed-documentarian father Leslie Breitbart (Charles Grodin). Their friends are having babies but they had tried and failed themselves. Jamie (Adam Driver) and Darby Massey (Amanda Seyfried) are a young hip couple who approaches Josh in his class. Soon, the Schrebnicks are pulled into their world.I love the sharp jabs launched at Josh's expense. That may annoy some people who are uncomfortable with the awkward truths being poked at. All four leads are doing amazing work. Adam Driver is the big difference. Noah Baumbach is at his sharpest up to this date. It's hilarious that he does throw-up humor in this.